The transfer of your number will take place on your agreed connection date and is usually an instant process*. This transfer can take place at any time on your date of connection, as soon as you lose signal from your old network, you will be up and running on your new one immediately.
NOTE *sometimes there are network issues which may delay the process.
In order to update any of your details, you’ll need to contact our Customer Service team. Contact Us
To change details, we need instruction from the authorised person on the account, directly from their validated email address that we have on file.
This is really simple, just open the phone function on your device and dial 1750 to activate voicemail and follow the instructions to set up your recorded message.
If you are keeping your existing handset and it’s locked to your current Network, you will need to arrange for the handset to be unlocked before your connection date with plan.com.
It is important to request this from your Network as soon as possible, as it can take up to 10 days for a handset to unlock.
Please let us know if you have any issues with unlocking a handset, we may be able to assist you with an unlock or amend your connection date to ensure you don’t suffer any loss in service.
Please follow the relevant link to your current provider for unlocking information:
- EE: www.ee.co.uk/device-unlock
- Vodafone: www.vodafone.co.uk/unlock-code-request
Of course! Whilst discussing your mobile requirements with one of our experienced Account Managers, they will ask you if you want to keep your existing phone number or obtain a new number.
If you decide you want to keep your number, we will help you obtain your PAC code from your current network and supply you with all of the information you need to do this. Your PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) will allow you to transfer your existing number from one Network to another.
We discuss this during the sales process and do our best to explain the role that each party plays in providing and supporting your Business Mobiles. However, we understand that it may still be a bit confusing, so we’re here to clear things up…
Prestige Telecom Group – We are an independent provider of business communications packages. We decided to partner with plan.com as an accredited independent reseller of their service in order to provide our customers with what we believe to be the very best Business Mobile solution in the market. From point of sale all the way through to the very day last of your contract, we provide full and complete management of your account and we will be first point of contact for any questions or queries you may have.
Plan.com – plan.com provide your connectivity and as such, also provide the billing for your services. This is your calls (voice) texts & data (3G/4G). Plan.com’s offering is unique in that although it’s not a direct Network, it has direct access into the network itself. plan.com were chosen by O2 Telefonica to be the only company in the UK to be granted direct access to their systems. This enables them to be able to provide a unrivalled service in the form of flexible tariffs, real time information and an innovative, industry leading Customer Portal, beyond anything that a network is able to deliver directly.
Telefonica O2 – O2 is the network you are/will be connected to. O2 boasts the largest UK voice coverage and 98% 4G coverage. Also voted the UK’s best Business Network and awarded the uSwitch Best Coverage award for multiple years in a row.
If you want more information about your tariff you can find everything you need here: www.plan.com/guides
Prestige Telecom Group sell exclusively to businesses and as such, operate within strict guidelines.
Our standard business agreements are usually 36 months, with an account review at month 18. This means that we will work with you to either bring down the cost of your monthly bill or discuss an upgrade on your hardware.
All prices exclude VAT and any discounts agreed are applied to the account from the start of the contract until month 18.
Our sales team are always very clear about the terms of the contract that you sign, but if you feel that you have been mis-sold in any way please contact our Customer Service team, Contact Us. All of our calls are recorded and can be checked to ensure that the sales process has been compliant.
All business contract prices exclude VAT. If you’re VAT registered you’ll be able to claim this cost back from HMRC.
To request a copy of your contract please contact our Customer Service team, Contact Us. You can also download this from the my.plan portal.
Been a busy month and running out of data? No problem! Boost your data! Customers can now boost their data any time they want, with 1GB, 2GB and 5GB Data Boost options.
What’s more, if you’re caught short near the end of the month* and have already boosted your data, you can add another one (or two) boosts – but you can’t add the same Boost twice in one month!
So, if a 5GB Boost has already been added, you can request a 2GB or 1GB Boost (you can’t have another 5GB). You could even add them together to get a 3GB Boost!
*Data boosts can be requested at any time in the month and are compatible with any device that already has access to data. Neither the price nor the allowances of data boosts are pro-rateable. If you exceed your data allowance, standard out-of-bundle charges apply. Adding a data top-up will not absorb data overage that has already been incurred. You will be charged for the additional data you have already used, plus the price of the data boost, which will include data usage from the point at which the bundle is added until the end of the month. Data Boosts are not compatible with exec.plan 60GB.
A data boost will end with effect from the end of the calendar month in which the request was made unless explicitly agreed. When explicitly agreed with the customer, they can be left open when added until such a time that the customer requests the boost to be removed, either verbally or in writing. If you want to add a Data Boost or discuss your options, please contact our customer service team. Contact Us
During the sales process, Prestige Telecom Group may have agreed to buy out the remaining term of your existing contract for you, minus your last month’s line rental and any outstanding out of bundle charges.
Your existing provider will generate a final invoice, which you should have 28 days to pay. Once you receive your final invoice you will need to email a copy to finance@prestigetelecomgroup.co.uk as soon as possible.
Prestige Telecom Group can’t pay your existing provider on your behalf, so provided your first month’s invoice with your new provider has been paid and there is a valid Direct Debit in place, the money will be paid to you within 28 days of your submitting your final invoice, so that you’re not left out of pocket.
It is important that the first plan.com Direct Debit has been paid to ensure that your buyout is not withheld.
Prestige Telecom Group process these payments on two automated payment runs per month. It is not always possible to send individual payments outside of these dates, but we will do our best to accommodate where we can.
Viewing and accessing your bills has never been easier! As a Prestige Telecom Group and Plan.com customer, you will have access to a fully interactive breakdown of current and historic billing and itemisation. You can view this via your my.plan online account or via the my.plan app, available from the App Store or Google Play. You will also receive a bill by email at the beginning of each calendar month. This will be sent to the billing email we have on file for you. You can amend the billing contact through the my.plan portal (MY ACCOUNT > COMPANY CONTACTS) or by contacting our Customer Services Team who will be happy to assist you. Contact Us
Both the my.plan portal and app provide you with fully itemised breakdown of charges and usage for the current month, as well as access to all of your historic billing and itemisation. So, the answer you’re looking for may well be in the content of the billing and charges section of the portal. However, if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our helpful Customer Service Advisors. Contact Us
No problem! You can update your Direct Debit details directly via your my.plan customer portal. Simply log in online or via the app and follow the below steps:
My Account – Billing & Payments – Manage Direct Debit.
Need some help? Get in touch with our Customer Service team who will be happy to assist you. Contact Us
It’s worth noting that if Direct Debit details are changed less than 10 days prior to your Direct Debit date, there could be a chance it won’t process in time for your next due Direct Debit. If this is the case, we may need to alter your payment date for that month or take a manual payment.
If this is your first invoice, this is likely down to pro-rating. If you connected part way through a month, you’ll have been invoiced for the remainder of the month you connected in plus the following months line rental in advance as normal. This will have all been explained to you during your final verification call with one of our experienced advisors and also within your Prestige Telecom Welcome Pack, however we appreciate it can be a lot of information to take in so if you have any more questions about your bill or pro-rating, please Contact Us
Payment of your first invoice will be taken on or about the 8th day of the month and thereafter, on a fixed date set by plan.com. You can find your Direct Debit date on your bill, in the top right-hand corner of the first page.
*The payment date may be subject to slight variation, from time to time. M/cite>
We want to be as flexible as possible so if this date is not suitable for you, Plan.com do offer a range of payment dates throughout the month. If you want to change your Direct Debit date or you’re worried your Direct Debit may bounce due to the date allocated not being suitable, please get in touch with us as soon as possible Contact Us to prevent any unwanted bounced Direct Debit charges.
We understand that financial difficulties can be distressing but rest assured, they are ways that we can help you. In the first instance, please contact one of our friendly Customer Services Advisors who will work with you to arrive at a resolution, wherever possible. Contact Us
Please do not cancel and Direct Debit mandate without authorisation. Doing so is a breach of contract and could leave you liable for additional charges.
As with all Business contracts, prices are exclusive of VAT. VAT is charged at standard rate and is displayed on your invoice, immediately above the final total, on page 1. But don’t worry, if you’re VAT registered, then you’ll be able to claim this cost back from HMRC!
If you can no longer access your voicemail, please follow these instructions:
- Dial 1760 to deactivate voicemail
- Turn off the device
- Remove the SIM card and reinsert
- Switch on the device
- Dial 1750 to activate voicemail
All hardware provided by Prestige Telecom Group is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Provided your handset is within its warranty, faulty hardware can be replaced.
Before any handsets can be returned, we’ll need to conduct some first line fault diagnosis. Some things to check before asking to return a faulty handset include:
- Check that you have the latest operating system installed on the device, you can do this by checking the device user guide. Software updates often include bug fixes and security patches, so this may resolve any issues you’re having.
- Process a factory reset and remove any third-party applications. As more and more users install third-party applications on their device the chances of a conflict between software installed on the device increases.
- Check the device manufacturer website as other users may have experienced the same fault and a solution may be logged on the site.
- Check that the device has not been dropped or damaged (including water damage) as this will automatically void the warranty. If the screen is cracked or bleeding, if there are dents on the device or if there is condensation behind the screen the device will not be covered by the warranty.
Our Support teams are on hand to deal with any returns and will work hard to minimise the inconvenience to you. Handsets can be returned if:
- The item was damaged in transit prior to receipt
- The item supplied is different from that ordered
- The item supplied was incorrectly ordered
You must contact us within 24 hours of receipt of your order and ensure that the item is unopened. Once an item has been opened it is not possible to return it.
There are a couple of easy ways to update your APN settings, depending on which device you are using.
Apple Devices – For all of you iphone users, APN configuration is just a tap of a button. Simply type i.plan into Safari and tap ‘configure’ to have your settings auto configured for you!
Andriod & Windows Devices – please visitwww.plan.com/apn-settings/android for quick and easy step by step instructions to updating your APN settings. You can also push instructions directly out to a handset via text in the my.plan portal by following Controls > Device > APN status > ‘SMS device to set-up’.
If you have any questions about updating your APN status or need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact one of our helpful Customer Service Advisors. Contact Us
If you find yourself having problems making calls due to network coverage, don’t forget that Wifi and 4G calling is available to all of our customers. Wifi and 4G calling allows you to make calls over Wifi and 4G meaning clearer calls without no potential network coverage issues. You’ll move seamlessly and uninterrupted between Wifi and 4G in order to continue your call without signal interruptions.
This service is available for all of our customers with compatible devices and who are configured to the plan.com APN.
Compatible devices: iPhone 6 and later, including SE, with iOS11 (or later) installed. Samsung Galaxy S7 and later, with up to date operating systems installed. *** anymore devices?
In order to configure your device to plan.com’s APN, see ‘How do I configured my APN?’.
Have a question or need some support? Contact Us
Voicemail is available to all customers as standard and is already activated once you connect. You can access your voicemails by dialling 901.
If you ever need to deactivate your voicemail dial 1760 for free, then it’s 1750 to reactive it.
A handy link to all things voicemail, including checking your messages, changing your PIN, voicemail greeting personalisation and more: O2 Voicemail
Yes! And it’s really easy. To instantly apply a divert just dial **21* followed by the phone number you want to divert your calls to, followed then by the ‘#’ key. Example: **21*01234567891# . You will hear a recorded message once the divert is in place.
You can find a full list of divert options here: O2 Divert
If you are unable to place a divert this way using the short code, Contact Us and one of our helpful Customer Service Advisors will be able to arrange this for you. Please note that diverts arranged this way can take up to 24 hours to take effect.
Unfortunately, this happens with all networks from time to time but don’t worry, our support team is on hand to assist and minimise
Initially we’d recommend switching your phone off and on again, if your phone has just dropped off the network for some reason this will enable it to reconnect. If this doesn’t work, there could be a problem with the O2 network or mast could be down or receiving maintenance in your area. To check this, go to status.o2.co.uk and enter your postcode, this will give you information about any known problems with the network.
If there are no known network problems, the problem could be low coverage in your area. You can check area coverage at o2.co.uk/coveragechecker If you are in a low coverage area then Wifi and 4G Calling may also improve call quality (see WiFi & 4G calling to set up).
If you are finding that you are experiencing signal issues in one location such as inside your home or office, you could benefit from a Boostbox. A boostbox works by connecting to your broadband service to deliver extended indoor mobile network coverage. The in-building mobile phone connectivity, signal quality, and data bandwidth will greatly improve, especially if the building is in a remote area or out of adequate mobile phone tower range.
If you have any further questions or would like to enquire about a boost box, please Contact Us
Depending on the network coverage in your location, you could experience a range of different data speeds. Data reception and speeds may not be as good indoors or in a car. The signal can also be affected by buildings, trees, and even weather conditions. You can check the current status of the network online, here: status.o2.co.uk
Cell site congestion can be an issue at times, more so in densely populated areas, but any drop off in network performance is usually temporary. To ensure the best possible experience, we recommend that you ensure your device is correctly configured to the plan.com APN. To update your settings, see ‘How do I configure my APN’.
If you’re still experiencing difficulties, please contact our customer service team. Contact Us
If you are having problems sending or receiving MMS, you’ll need to ensure that your data settings have been updated to configure your device to the plan APN.
You might also want to check that MMS hasn’t been blocked on the number in question. You can check this by logging in to your my.plan portal Controls > Data, calls & text > Incoming & outgoing Texts > check to see whether MMS is toggled to ‘allowed’ or ‘blocked’.
If your device is correctly configured, MMS is not blocked but you’re still experiencing issues, please Contact Us so we can investigate this further for you.
We’re sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with your data. There may be a few reasons why this is happening so below are some quick ways of finding out why and hopefully fixing this issue:
* Have you exhausted your monthly data allowance? If so, you can add a temporary Data boost to provide additional data allowance for the remainder of the month, until your data allowance refresh on the 1st. To do this, simply follow the below steps from your my.plan dashboard:
* Has mobile data been deactivated on your number? To check this, follow the below steps from your my.plan dashboard:
* Does anyone else in the same location has the same problem? If yes, it’s likely to be an issue with signal (see ‘im having Signal/Coverage issues’). If no, try your sim in another device to determine whether this is a problem with your handset or your sim.
* Are your APN settings up to date and configured? To check your APN status, visit your my.plan customer portal or app and follow the below steps to check APN status:
If your APN is no configured, follow the steps in ‘How do I configured my APN?’ to update your settings.
If you’re still experiencing difficulties, please contact our customer service team. Contact Us
There are a number of possibilities for this and we need to eliminate each possible cause by fault diagnosis.
Firstly, we’d recommend to unplug everything for an hour or so.
You’ll also need to check your broadband speed. Your broadband must have an upload speed of at least 300Kbps (0.3Mbps) and a download speed of at least 2Mpbs. You can check your speed here: www.speedtest.interdsl.co.uk. Also check that there’s power to the Boostbox and the ethernet cable is plugged in. You could try replacing the ethernet cable.
If you’ve switched Broadband provider, changed your router or replaced a SIM card in a phone linked to the Boostbox, adjustments will be required to your Boostbox set up so you’ll need to contact our customer services team so that we can make the appropriate adjustments. You’ll also need to inform us if you’ve moved the location of the Boostbox. Contact Us
Yes, your boostbox can store up to 32 user numbers and can handle up to 4 concurrent calls.
Tethered data will use your mobile data faster than ‘standard’ data usage. Tethered data is also not reported in the same way as normal data. This means that plan.com must wait for tethered data records to be reported back to them by the Network. As a result, data usage alerts and bars may not trigger in real time and additional charges may be incurred.
Taking this into account, if you still wish to use your mobile phone as a personal hotspot, enabling tethering is easy. All you need to do is ensure that your device is correctly configured to our APN (see ‘How do I configure my APN’ for help) tethering will then be automatically enabled.
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding tethering, please get in touch. Contact Us
Everything you need to know about your tariff can be found in the handy tariff guides linked below. Don’t forget your my.plan customer portal also has an extensive help centre located in the ‘?’ tab in the right hand corner of your my.plan home page!
Lost or damaged sim card? Not to worry, we supply replacement sims free of charge! Contact Us and we will arrange to post you a new sim card with next day delivery.
We’re sorry to hear this but try not to worry, you can apply a lost/stolen bar instantly to your sim via your my.plan customer portal: CONTROLS > DEVICE > LOST & STOLEN.
You’ll need to get in touch with us straight away if you think your phone has been lost or stolen so we can discuss your options for a replacement sim and handset.
We pride ourselves on flexibility and unlike our competitors, we commit to offering you a mid-term upgrade. Our standard Business Agreements are usually 36 months with an account review at month 18.
If you believe you are at least halfway through your current contract term and haven’t already been contacted by one of our Account Managers, please Contact Us to see what upgrade opportunities are waiting for you!
Managing your monthly telecoms costs has never been easier! As a valued Prestige Telecom customer, you have access to an industry leading customer portal, where there’s a wide range of options to ensure you can stay fully in control of your bills.
Find out how by searching ‘How can I prevent extra charges?’ in the my.plan help centre for a full detailed guide to controlling spend on your account. If you’d like to discuss your spend control options with one of our experienced Customer Services Advisors, then please Contact Us
You can quickly find your remaining data allowance for the month by logging into your my.plan customer portal and searching for your mobile number in the search box on the left hand side of the home page. If your card settings are already filtered to show data usage vs allowance, you should see this information straight away in the user card. If not, simply click on the user’s name to take you through to the service summary, where you will find this information is displayed under ‘usage’.
Found yourself a little short on data for the month? No problem! You can temporarily boost your data until your tariff allowance refreshes again at the start of the following month. Simply navigate yourself to PRODUCTS > DATA > DATA BOOSTS in your customer portal, where you’ll find a choice of 3 data boosts to choose from. Be sure to read through the terms & conditions carefully before choosing to apply a bolt-on to your service(s).
Alternatively get in touch with our Support team to discuss data increase options.
Here at Prestige Telecom Group, we sell exclusively to Businesses and as such, operate within strict guidelines.
Our sales team are always very clear about the terms of your contract during the sales process and will ensure you are comfortable with this prior to completing the agreement. All our calls are recorded and checked by our Quality and Assurance team to ensure that the sales process is compliant.
If you would like to see a copy of your contract then you can find this on your my.plan located in MY ACCOUNT > COMPANY DOCUMENTS.
You can also find a copy of Prestige Telecom Group terms and conditions here – hyperlink to TS&CS
If you have any further questions regarding your contract, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Contact Us
This is nice and easy! Your my.plan account allows you to manage all aspects of your Business Account online at the click of just a few buttons! Simply log in to my.plan and follow the below instructions:
Update contact information:
Update address book:
For legal and administrative reasons, if you need to change the Director Contact or Registered address, you’ll need to get in touch with us. Contact Us
Using your mobile device whilst abroad can be expensive, but it doesn’t need to be. There are options available to you, dependent on your tariff, which usually include caps and bundles. To talk through your roaming options please Contact Us.
Important: using your phone on a cruise ship or aeroplane may incur significant charges. Please contact us before you travel.
Your device should automatically connect to the best available network within the area. If this doesn’t happen, or you’d like to manually select the network that you are connected to, please follow the below instructions:
- Navigate to your device’s mobile network settings
- Navigate to the carrier/network option within this menu
- Within this option, there should be an option to switch automatic network selection off, select this
Your device will now manually search for available networks, which you will be able to select from
If this does not work, it could mean that you need to update your data settings. Want to know more about Data settings? www.plan.com/guides/apn-settings/
If you have an iPhone, you’ll need to reinstall the APN profile on your device. This is much simpler that it sounds, access the guide here: www.plan.com/guides/apn-settings/
If you want to check the status of your device, please contact our customer service team. Contact Us
Our support team are on hand to help ensure that you stay connected whilst you travel. There are a couple of things you can do before you go to try and ensure the best connectivity experience whilst abroad.
Firstly, make sure that your APN is correctly configured – you can check this on my.plan ….. . If not configured, see ‘How do I configure my APN’. Having your APN correctly configured will provide optimal connectivity whilst abroad.
Check your network settings – Your device should automatically connect to the best available network within the area. to ensure you are set to manually connect to available networks. This will allow you to pick networks to connect to find the one with the best signal strength.
There are plenty of ways in which you can control and limit your spend abroad, so you don’t have to worry about returning home to any surprises on your next bill.
Using your mobile device whilst abroad can be expensive, but it doesn’t need to be. There are plenty of ways in which you can control and limit your spend whilst travelling.
We recommend that you add a bolt-on to cover the country or countries that you are visiting. Luckily, there is a wide range of daily and monthly bolt-on’s to ensure that you are always covered. Chose and add your bolt-on in just the click of a few buttons by visiting your my.plan portal or app and navigating to the ‘Products’ tab.
Alternatively, you can switch your roaming data off all together, meaning you’ll only be able to access the internet when you are connected to WiFi.
You can also set up roaming spend caps, alerts and even blocks if you wanted to. You can do all of this via your my.plan customer portal however if you need any assistance or would like to discuss your options in more detail, please get in touch with our Customer Service team prior to travelling. Contact Us
Yes. When roaming, your voicemail service will operate just as it would when you’re in the UK but you’ll need to set a personalised PIN, if you don’t already have one set up for voicemail.
To set a PIN, dial 901, press the * (star) key then option 4 and option 4 again.
If you forgot your PIN while you’re abroad, don’t panic, Contact Us and we can arrange to reset this for you.
Please be advised that listening to your messages when abroad costs 33p per minute.
Here’s a handy guide to all things voicemail: O2 Voicemail
We pride ourselves on flexibility and unlike our competitors, we commit to offering you a mid-term upgrade. Our standard Business Agreements are usually 36 months with an account review at month 18. If you believe you are at least halfway through your current contract term and haven’t already been contacted by one of our Account Managers, please Contact Us to see what upgrade opportunities are waiting for you!
We will always endeavour to be as accommodating as possible, wherever possible. Providing the handset is within 10 days of delivery and is completely unopened (the seal is not broken), we can certainly discuss your request with you. Please understand that various factors will determine whether the request is possible, including stock and availability, price difference and suppliers’ terms and conditions. Please Contact Us and one of our experienced Customer Services Advisors will be able to talk you through all of your options regarding changing your handset.
All of the information you need to recycle your handset is included in your Welcome Email. Simply follow link and the short steps provided in order to complete the process. Once you have completed this you will be sent a free post bag to post your phone to the Recycler. It really is as easy as that!
If you are unable to locate your Welcome email or have any further questions regarding the recycling of your handset, please Contact Us
Firstly, make sure that your APN is correctly configured – you can check this on my.plan ….. . If not configured, see ‘How do I configure my APN’. Having your APN correctly configured will provide optimal connectivity whilst abroad.
Check your network settings – Your device should automatically connect to the best available network within the area. to ensure you are set to manually connect to available networks. This will allow you to pick networks to connect to find the one with the best signal strength.
All hardware provided by Prestige Telecom Group is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Provided your handset is within its warranty, it is likely that the hardware can be replaced.
If you think that your handset has arrived faulty, it is important that you let us know straight away as we are required to report a faulty handset on arrival within 24 hours of receiving the device.
Before any handsets can be returned, we’ll need to conduct some first line fault diagnosis. Some things to check before asking to return a faulty handset include:
- Check that you have the latest operating system installed on the device, you can do this by checking the device user guide. Software updates often include bug fixes and security patches, so this may resolve and issues you’re having.
- Process a factory reset and remove any third-party applications. As more and more users install third-party applications on their device the chances of a conflict between software installed on the device increases.
- Check the device manufacturer website as other users may have experienced the same fault and a solution may be logged on the site.
- Check that the device has not been dropped or damaged (including water damage) as this will automatically void the warranty. If the screen is cracked or bleeding, if there are dents on the device or if there is condensation behind the screen the device will not be covered by the warranty.
If after following the above first line checks, you still believe your device to be faulty, please Contact Us
There are a couple of easy ways for you to find out the IMEI number of your phone. The IMEI will be displayed on the outside of box that the phone came in, underneath a bar code.
Don’t worry if you don’t have your box anymore, you can dial *#06# on your keypad and the IMEI will pop up on the screen. This method isn’t universal however.
You will also be able to find the make, model and IMEI of your phone via my.plan login or app. Simply log in > Search user by name or number in the CARDS section > click on user name > Connection Details.
If you are having trouble finding your IMEI information or if you have any further questions, please Contact Us
Apple Handsets and Tablets are covered by a 12-month Manufacturer Warranty. All other devices (excluding MiFi devices and Dongles) are covered by a 24-month Warranty.
It may be that you need to provide proof of purchase in order to register a claim with the manufacturer, if this is the case then please Contact Us to request this.
We’re sorry to hear that!
If you believe you may have missed a delivery, check for a missed delivery card and act on the information provided. It might also be worth checking with neighbours to see if your phone has been left with them. The courier service will usually attempt delivery twice before returning the item to the Depot.
If you believe that a delivery wasn’t attempted at all, please Contact Us. You must report this to us within 24 hours of the notified (or rearranged) delivery date in order for us to comply with our Suppliers policies.
We’re sorry you’re thinking of leaving us.
Our bespoke tariffs and leading account management service are two of the main reasons we boast a 94% customer retention rate.
If you’re thinking of leaving because you’re unhappy with your services or current package, why not see if we are able to offer something different? Contact Us to discuss your options.
Please be aware that depending on the time left in your contract, you may have to pay an early termination charge in order to leave. It would be worth checking your contract and Prestige Telecom Group Terms and Conditions before coming to a decision.
As a Business customer, all of our contracts are Business Agreements and therefore not governed by the distance selling regulations. It’s always best to contact us if you have any concerns about leaving, we’re sure that we’ll be able to come to a resolution.
It’s an unprecedented time and a lot has changed very quickly. We’ve been told to adapt to the new normal but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start! We at Prestige, have supported many businesses with adapting to the new normal by providing them with the tools they need to enable flexible working. Please get in touch with us to find out how we can support you.
We also understand that Finances can be a worry for Businesses at the moment, but we don’t want you to feel like you’re going through this alone. If you are having any concerns regarding payment of your bill, please get in touch with us to discuss how we can help to keep you connected.
Telecoms is always evolving and bringing with it new technical Jargon. That’s why we’ve created this handy guide, explaining all the specialist terms that you need to know for Mobile technology.
‘Early termination charge’, a charge levied on customers who terminate their contract before the end of any minimum contract period (or subsequent minimum contract period). Sometimes referred to as ‘early termination fees’.
A ‘porting authorisation code’ is a code that mobile providers must issue on request which allows you to switch your mobile service and keep your existing number.
A Personal Identification number (PIN) is a numeric password used to authenticate a user accessing a system (i.e phone or sim).
The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is a code consisting of 8 digits that you also received with your SIM card. It is used to unblock your SIM card when you entered 3 times a wrong PIN code
MMS is an acronym for Multimedia Messaging Service, a standard way to send text messages that include multimedia content to and from a mobile device over a cellular network.
SMS is an acronym for Short Message Service. It is the most widely used type of text messaging carried over a cellular network.
Visual voicemail lets users easily check voicemail without making any phone calls. Users can view a list of messages in an inbox-like interface, listen to them in any order, and can delete them as desired.
Tethering is the term used for broadcasting your phone’s mobile signal as a Wi-Fi network, then hooking a laptop or any other Wi-Fi-enabled device up to it to connect to the internet. It’s sometimes referred to as a mobile hotspot, personal hotspot, portable hotspot or Wi-Fi hotspot.
IMEI is short for ‘International Mobile Equipment Identity’ and is a unique number given to every mobile phone. Its purpose is to identify a device and offers a level of protection is a device is lost of stolen.
Number porting allows you to move an existing telephone number to a new provider. The normal process is to request a port code and then give this to your new provider.
We also understand that Finances can be a worry for Businesses at the moment, but we don’t want you to feel like you’re going through this alone. If you are having any concerns regarding payment of your bill, please get in touch with us to discuss how we can help to keep you connected.
‘Voice over internet protocol’ a technology that allows users to make voice calls using the internet, either over a fixed or mobile connection.
‘Access point name’ provides a phone with the information needed to connect to a wireless service.
‘Virtual private network’, is a private network that uses a public network (usually the internet) to connect remote sites or users together. This gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection.
4G is short for fourth generation broadband cellular network technology. It’s what allows customers outside of WiFi to make calls, send texts and use data. Most devices on the market will currently be 4G enabled.
5G is the next generation of mobile connectivity that will give customers greater speeds than 4G. It was first introduced in May 2019 and will have a huge impact on the way we live and work. The number of 5G ready devices is beginning to expand and they will eventually be the default.
WiFi is the technology that allows a wireless connection to the internet.
A bolt-on is a service that can be added to an existing tariff to increase the inclusive allowance, e.g. additional text messages, minutes or data.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology enabling data transmission from one device to another in close proximity.