Congratulations to our MVPs (Most Valuable Prestigians) for the month of January
Newly promoted Arron won the Sales MVP for his excellent month on our New Business Team.
Arron received 24 votes across the business, which is a new record, and this is what Arron’s peers said about his month.
‘Always seems to be cracking on, and have noticed him staying late a lot this month to close deals’
‘Taking on the role of full time closer isn’t easy and finishing on what Arron did in the first month is terrific’
‘First month closing and smashed his target. Always happy to take any lead without it being an issue and always helps if you are stuck on anything.’
‘Brilliant first full month closing’

Jonny won the Admin MVP award this month. Jonny received 17 votes across the company, and here are some of the reasons as to why Jonny won the Admin MVP award.
‘Always gets the work done with no hassle’
‘Been very helpful when needing things sorted’
‘Always really helpful, still only been here a few months but doing really well’
‘Always happy to stay late and put in the extra time when needed, defiantly deserved’

Well done guys, outstanding month!